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12 th
Sep / 18

Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.

We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park. I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and which took me a whole year to finish, was about working with a lot of diff erent producers and learning all of the aspects about being a rapper from shows to recording to studio etiquette.

We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park. I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and which took me a whole year to finish, was about working with a lot of diff erent producers and learning all of the aspects about being a rapper from shows to recording to studio etiquette.

We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park. I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and which took me a whole year to finish, was about working with a lot of diff erent producers and learning all of the aspects about being a rapper from shows to recording to studio etiquette.

“We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park. I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and which took me a whole year to finish, was about working with a lot of diff erent producers and learning all of the aspects about being a rapper from shows to recording to studio etiquette.”

We're so surrounded by so much of this marketing and just being told on a regular basis that you have to like this, you will go here, you want this. I found that to me that fit perfectly into what a theme park. I had already been making music for my whole high school life, and which took me a whole year to finish, was.

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